CREATE PROC sp_dboption2 ( @dbname sysname = NULL, --Database name @optname varchar(35) = NULL, --Option name @optvalue varchar(5) = NULL, --Option value, either 'true' or 'false' @wait int = NULL --Seconds to wait, before killing the existing connections ) AS BEGIN /*********************************************************************************************************** Copyright © 2001 Narayana Vyas Kondreddi. All rights reserved. Purpose: The system stored procedure sp_dboption fails to set databases in 'read only'/'single user'/'offline' modes if the database is in use. This procedure works as a wrapper around sp_dboption and overcomes that limitation by killing all the active connections. You can configure it to kill the connections immediately, or after waiting for a specified interval. This procedure simulates the new ALTER TABLE syntax of SQL Server 2000 (the ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE and ROLLBACK AFTER options along with OFFLINE, ONLINE, READ_ONLY, READ_WRITE, SINGLE_USER, RESTRICTED_USER, MULTI_USER). Written by: Narayana Vyas Kondreddi Tested on: SQL Server 7.0, Service Pack 3 Date created: October-29-2001 1:30 AM Indian Standard Time Date modified: October-29-2001 1:30 AM Indian Standard Time Email: Usage: Just run this complete script in the master database to create this stored procedure. As far as syntax is concerned, this procedure works very similar to the system stored procedure sp_dboption. It has an additional parameter @wait, which can be used, to wait for a specified number of seconds, before killing the connections. The settable database option names need to be specified in full. For example, the option name 'single' is considered invalid and 'single user' is considered valid. To bring pubs database into single user mode: EXEC sp_dboption2 'pubs', 'single user', 'true' To bring pubs database into single user mode. Wait for 30 seconds, for current connections to leave and start killing the connections after 30 seconds: EXEC sp_dboption2 'pubs', 'single user', 'true', 30 To bring pubs database into read/write mode: EXEC sp_dboption2 'pubs', 'read only', 'false' To bring pubs database into read/write mode. Wait for 30 seconds, for current connections to leave and start killing the connections after 30 seconds: EXEC sp_dboption2 'pubs', 'read only', 'false', 30 ***********************************************************************************************************/ DECLARE @dbid int, @spid int, @execstr varchar(15), @waittime varchar(15), @final_chk int --Only the following options require that, no other connections should access the database IF (LOWER(@optname) IN ('offline', 'read only', 'single user')) AND (LOWER(@optvalue) IN('true', 'false')) BEGIN --Determining whether to wait, before killing the existing connections IF @wait > 0 BEGIN SET @waittime = (SELECT CONVERT(varchar, DATEADD(s, @wait, GETDATE()), 14)) WAITFOR TIME @waittime --Wait the specified number of seconds END SET @dbid = DB_ID(@dbname) --Getting the database_id for the specified database --Get the lowest spid TryAgain: SET @spid = (SELECT MIN(spid) FROM master..sysprocesses WHERE dbid = @dbid) WHILE @spid IS NOT NULL BEGIN IF @spid <> @@SPID --To avoid the KILL attempt on own connection BEGIN SET @execstr = 'KILL ' + LTRIM(STR(@spid)) EXEC(@execstr) --Killing the connection END --Get the spid higher than the last spid SET @spid = (SELECT MIN(spid) FROM master..sysprocesses WHERE dbid = @dbid AND spid > @spid) END END SET @final_chk = (SELECT COUNT(spid) FROM master..sysprocesses WHERE dbid = @dbid) IF (@final_chk = 0) OR (@final_chk = 1 AND DB_NAME() = @dbname) BEGIN EXEC sp_dboption @dbname, @optname, @optvalue --Calling sp_dboption to complete the job END ELSE BEGIN GOTO TryAgain --New connections popped up, or killed connections aren't cleaned up yet, so try killing them again END END