CREATE PROC write_to_file @msg VARCHAR(100), @file VARCHAR(100), @overwrite BIT = 0 AS /* Written by: Narayana Vyas Kondreddi Date written: January 12th 2001 Purpose: To log messages to text files from stored procedures/triggers/sql scripts Input parameters: message, file name, overwrite flag (1 to overwrite, 0 to append to file, 0 is the default) Example: EXEC write_to_file 'Duplicates found','C:\logfile.txt',0 Tested on: SQL Server Version 7.0, 2000 Remarks: You should have permissions required through access file system through xp_cmdshell See SQL Server Books Online for xp_cmdshell if you are having problems with this procedure Email: Homepage: */ BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @execstr VARCHAR(255) SET @execstr = RTRIM('echo ' + COALESCE(LTRIM(@msg),'-') + CASE WHEN (@overwrite = 1) THEN ' > ' ELSE ' >> ' END + RTRIM(@file)) EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @execstr SET NOCOUNT OFF END