Stored procedure to identify the top n biggest tables in a database
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As a DBA, what are you gonna do, if your boss or IT manager walks up to you and asks for a list of the top 10 biggest tables in your production database? Well, you can use sp_spaceused, but it can report the space used by any one given table, but not a list of top n biggest tables in your database.

This stored procedure sp_show_huge_tables lists the all the tables in your database in the descending order of their sizes (that is bigger tables first), along with their row counts. You can limit the output to top top n tables. That is you can generate a list of top 10 or top 5 biggest tables in your database. Optionally you can even include system tables in the output. By default, this procedure ignores system tables.

Click here to download the stored procedure sp_show_huge_tables

To list all the user tables in the database along with their sizes:
EXEC sp_show_huge_tables

To see the top three biggest tables in your database:
EXEC sp_show_huge_tables 3

To list all the user AND system tables in the database along with their sizes:
EXEC sp_show_huge_tables @include_system_tables = 1

To see the top three biggest user or system tables in your database:
EXEC sp_show_huge_tables 3, 1

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