Outlook shortcut keys
Last updated: April 14th '01 | Best viewed with: All popular browsers | Best viewed at: 1024x768 | Links to external sites will open in a new window

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Alt + S Sends the current mail
Ctrl + Enter Sends the current mail
Ctrl + K Resolves the email addresses from the address book
Alt + K Resolves the email addresses from the address book
F7 Starts spell check
Ctrl + D Deletes the current mail
Shift + Delete Permanently deletes the current mail
Ctrl + Z Undoes the last change
Ctrl + Y Redoes the last change
F4 Brings up the Find dialog box
Shift + F4 Finds the next occurence of the search string
Ctrl + R Brings up the reply window for the current mail
Ctrl + Shift + R Brings up the 'reply all' window for the current mail
Ctrl + P Prints the current mail
F5 Sends and receives mails

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