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agents are failing with the following error.
What's wrong?
Too many arguments were supplied for procedure
<A_System_Stored_Procedure_Name> (for
example: sp_MSenumschemachange)
The most probable reason for this
error could be, mismatched service pack versions
between the SQL Servers participating in
Make sure all the participating SQL Servers are
running with the same service pack installed. Click here to learn more about
SQL Server service packs |
monitor is showing errors (White X mark on a Red
circle), though there are no errors on any
agents. How to get rid of these X marks?
In most of the cases, just
restarting your SQL Server service should solve
this problem. If restarting the server is not an
option for you, go ahead and delete the table
in the tempdb database. |
I have
setup Transactional replication with
"Immediate Updating Subscribers".
Changes on publisher get replicated to the
subscriber, without any errors. But when I try to
UPDATE/INSERT data at the subscriber I am getting
the following error and not able to modify data
at the subscriber:
Server: Msg 18456, Level 14, State 1, Line 3
Login failed for user 'sa'.
How to correct this problem?
Immediate Updating subscribers
connect the publisher using dynamic RPC, and this
is the default. Dynamic RPC defaults to using the
sa login with blank password. This behavior can
be changed at the Subscriber using
sp_link_publication. See "Security for
Immediate-updating Subscribers" and
"sp_link_publication (T-SQL)" in Books
Online for more information
To get rid of this error, execute
sp_link_publication on the subscribing database
and specify the sa password for the publisher.
@publisher = 'Your_Publishing_Server_Name',
@publisher_db = 'Your_Publishing_Database_Name',
@publication = 'Your_Publication_Name',
@security_mode = 0,
@login = 'sa',
@password = 'Your_Publisher_SA_Password' |
Snapshot and Logreader agents are failing with
the following error:
The process could not connect to Publisher
Category: Data source
Source: Publishing_Server_Name
Number: 18456
Full error message: Login failed for user 'sa'
The Snapshot and Logreader agents are running on
the same publishing/distributing server, but
still they are not able to connect.
How to overcome this problem?
You may get into this situation,
when you configure your replication agents to log
into the publisher and/or subscriber using
"SQL Server authentication" (where you
specify a specific SQL Server login, to connect
to the publisher and/or subscriber). It will work
fine initially, but when you change that
particular login's password, you get the above
mentioned errors. To solve this problem, whenever
you change that particular login's password, make
sure you change the password in the enabled
publisher's and/or enabled subscriber's
properties on that distribution server.
To change the publisher's properties:
- Open Enterprise Manager
- Connect to the Distribution server
- Go to Tools -> Replication -> Configure
Publishing, Subscribers, and Distribution...
- Go to Publishers tab
- Click on the properties button (...) against
the publisher's name
- Enter the new password for the SQL Server
To change the subscriber's properties, repeat the
same steps as above, but in step 3, go to
Subscribers tab.
Restart your agents, and they should be able to
connect to the publisher/subscriber without any
errors. |
How to
find out whether a change to the data is made by
replication or by other users/applications? I
need to do some custom processing, whenever
replication is making changes to my data. I would
prefer to do this from a trigger.
Use the APP_NAME function. This
function returns the name of the application that
is modifying the data. First, find out the output
of APP_NAME function when replication is
modifying the data. The output of this function
will be the distribution agent's name, when
replication is modifying the data. Once you know
this name, you can write a trigger which uses
APP_NAME function to detrmine if replication is
making any changes, and proceed with your custom
See Books Online for more information about
How to
change the replication working directory on the
By default every publisher stores
it snapshot data in the MSSQL7\Repldate folder on
the distributor. If you are running out of disk
space on that particular you need to change the
working directory to another drive. You need to
change this path for each publisher, as it is not
a global setting on the distributor.
There are two ways to do this:
Method #1:
- Open Enterprise Manager
- Connect to the Distribution server
- Go to Tools -> Replication -> Configure
Publishing, Subscribers, and Distribution...
- Go to Publishers tab
- Click on the properties button (...) against
the publisher's name
- Enter the new path for the Snapshot folder
Method #2:
Run sp_changedistpublisher from query analyzer.
For more information on sp_changedistpublisher
see Books Online |
How to maintain IDENTITY property
of a column on both publishing and subscribing databases in transactional
If you maintain IDENTITY property on
the subscribing table, distribution agent fails with the following error even after
creating the publisher's IDENTITY property with NOT FOR REPLICATION option:
An explicit value for the identity column in table 't1' can only be specified
when a column list is used and IDENTITY_INSERT is ON.
Category: Data source
Source: <Server Name>
Number: 8101
Follow these steps to maintain IDENTITY property of a column on both publishing
and subscribing databases:
1) Before subscribing, you must create the table at the subscriber
(by default, replication will not transfer the IDENTITY property to the subscribers)
and don't forget to create the IDENTITY property with NOT FOR REPLICATION option.
2) After creating the publication, go to publication properties window and choose the
Articles tab. Click on the properties button (...) against the table that has
IDENTITY property. Go to 'Snapshot' tab. Choose 'Keep the existing table unchanged'.
3) By default SQL Server 7.0 applies the transactions to the subscriber using stored
procedures (these procedures will get created during the application of initial snapshot).
Before you subscribe, you can choose to continue using stored procedures to apply the
transactions on the subscriber OR you can choose to apply the transactions to the subscriber
using SQL statements.
If you choose to use SQL statements, jump to step 6. If you choose to go by the default
behavior (stored procedures) follow steps 4 and 5.
4) Go to the publication properties, choose 'Articles' tab, click on the
properties button (...) against the table that has IDENTITY property,
click on the 'Commands' tab and uncheck 'Create the stored procedures
specified above during the initial synchronization of the subscribers'.
Using sp_scriptinsproc, sp_scriptmappedupdproc, sp_scriptdelproc
(See SQL Server 7.0 Books Online for more information) generate
the scripts for these procedures. Add a column list to the INSERT
statement in the INSERT stored procedure script. In the UPDATE stored
procedure script, remove the line in the UPDATE statement which tries
to update the IDENTITY column. Apply these scripts on the subscriber.
5) Push or pull the subscription.
6) If you choose to use SQL statements to apply transactions to the subscriber,
go to the publication properties window, choose articles tab,
click on the properties button (...) against the table that has IDENTITY
property, choose 'Commands' tab. Uncheck the check marks against the
procedure calls and check the box against 'Use column names in the SQL statements'.
7) Push or pull the subscription.
None of my replication wizards are
coming up. Enterprise Manager lets me click on the replicaiton options,
but nothing happens. What's wrong?
Most probable reason for this behavior could be that you have
de-selected the 'Replication Support' option while installing SQL Server. Try
the following steps to fix this problem
- Start Setup
- Choose custom install
- Check 'Replication Support' under 'Server Components'
- Complete the setup |