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In this article I am
going to explain, how to track file growths, especially
the database files. First of all, why is it important to
track database file growth? Tracking file growth, helps
you understand the rate at which your database is
growing, so that you can plan ahead for your future
storage needs. It is better to plan ahead, instead of
running around when you run out of disk space, isn't it?
So, how can we track file growths? There are a couple of
The first approach:
SQL Server BACKUP and RESTORE commands store the backup,
restore history in the msdb database. In this approach, I
am going to use the tables backupset and backupfile from
msdb to calculate the file growth percentages. Whenever
you backup a database the BACKUP command inserts a row in
the backupset table and one row each for every file in
the backed-up database in the backupfile table, along
with the size of each file. I am going to use these file
sizes recorded by BACKUP command, compare them with the
previous sizes and come up with the percentage of file
growth. This approach assumes that you do full database
backups periodically, at regular
Click here to download the procedure
sp_track_db_growth. Run the script in your master database
to create the procedure. Once it is created, you can
invoke it from any of your user databases. It accepts an
optional parameter @dbnameParam. If this parameter is not
specified, the procedure will work with the current
database. Here is how you use it:
Example 1:
To see the file growth information of the current
Example 2:
To see the file growth information for pubs database:
sp_track_db_growth 'pubs'
You will see the following columns in the output:
Date |
Time |
Database Name |
Filegroup Name |
Logical Filename |
Physical Filename |
File Size (MB) |
Percentage (%) |
Most of the column names are self-explanatory. The
columns of interest are 'File Size (MB)' and 'Growth
Percentage (%)'. The column 'File Size (MB)' indicates
the size of that particular file on that particular date
and time. The column 'Growth Percentage (%)' indicates
the rate at which the file grew, since the previous
full-database backup. A negative number
in this column indicates that the file reduced in size
since the last backup, possibly because of database
shrinking. A NULL in this column indicates that there is
no previous information available, to compare with.
This procedure might run a little slow if your backup
history tables are huge. You might want to cleanup these
backup history tables from msdb once in a while, by
running sp_delete_backuphistory. See SQL Server Books
Online for more information.
Any comments, suggestions and feedback is welcome! Let
me know how this stored procedure performs in your
The second approach:
SQL Server 2000 now supports new events like Data File
Auto Grow, Data File Auto Shrink, Log File Auto Grow, Log
File Auto Shrink. You might want to monitor these events
by using the trace stored procedures. Consult SQL Server
Books Online for more information on trace stored
The third approach:
The sysfiles system table in each database stores the
current size of each file in the database. You could
periodically monitor the file sizes from this table and
record them in another table for further calculations and
analysis. Mark Allison has some useful scripts at his
site. Check it out!